- Legal annual audits
- Voluntary annual audits
- Group audit regarding German financial rule
- Special audit according to share law
- GmbH – legal special audit
- Formation audit
- Audit of utilization proof and promotion
- Conversion audit
- Over indebtedness audit
- Audit according to the broker – and builder regulation
- Due Diligence of the management and the economic condition
- Audit along budget standard law
- Audit of prospectus according to IDW standard
- Internal control system, risk management
- Rating
- Interim accounts and special purpose balance sheet by
- Settlements
- Business reorganization
- Liquidation
- Comparison
- Insolvency
- Peer review
- Due Diligence detection of acquisition risks by selling business and participating interests
- Economic analysis
- Reorganization concept and strategy
- Branch comparison (industry comparison)
- Consolidation